Ants Extermination Syosset NY 11791
These eusocial insects, Ants, are small insects that lives in a complexsocial colony with one or more queens. They are wingless except forfertile adults, which often form large mating swarms. Most ants feed onsweets, except for carpenter ants, which prefer protein. On Long Island,Syosset NY you may see some of these ants…Pavement Ant, Sugar orOdorous House Ant and Carpenter Ant. If you do see ants in your home,call your qualified exterminator, EcoTech Pest Control 631-868-7023 sowe can identify your problem and locate the colony, provide bait trapsand treatment to eliminate your ant problem and take steps to preventthem from returning.
Bed Bugs Exterminator Syosset NY 11791 

Bed Bugs are unfortunately found on Long Island in Syosset NY. Bed Bugsare reddish-brown, with oval-shaped flattened bodies.Their flat bodiesallow them to fit into the tiniest of cracks and crevices–especially thetiny seams around mattresses, box springs, bed frames and headboards.But they will also spread into the seams in the frames of nearbyfurniture. Upon inspection, you may notice these areas are marked bysmall black or black/red spots and stains. These stains are drieddroppings of the bugs, and droplets of blood that they let out after ablood meal.Initially the bugs tend to be situated around sleeping areas,i.e., beds, couches and recliners. However, if left untreated, theinfestation will grow to the point that the bugs are forced to movefurther and further away from sleeping areas to find adequate shelter,which makes controlling the pests far more difficult.If you suspect youhave a Bed Bug problem, we recommend calling EcoTech Pest Control, yourprofessional exterminator to start treatment. There are a few steps totake before an effective treatment can be executed. All clothes, sheetsand pillows are to be put in bags and removed from the area for 24hours. Also remove any personal items or things in your drawers. Werecommend that you do not sleep in the area for 24 hours. We then comeand remove all visible bed bugs and treat the area to terminate anyhidden bugs and eggs. EcoTech Pest Control can give you an effective,Bed bug removal service for your home. Call us today (631) 887-3028 or(516) 226-0988
Termite Exterminator Syosset NY 11791
There are three different types of termite species, the Dampwoodtermite, found in heavily forested areas; The Drywood termite, found inextremely dry wood not found in U.S. and the most common one found onLong Island in Syosset NY is the Eastern Subterranean termite. Thesetermites live in soil and build pathways to woodstructures. Unfortunately many homes on Long Island are already affectedby termite colonies. If you suspect your home or building may beaffected, call your local exterminator, EcoTech Pest Control, today. Weare up to date on the latest technology in termite control. Our plansand methods we use to control termites are safer and less stressful onthe environment. We offer a Wood Destroying Insect Report during yourhome inspection. This report is required in New York State whenpurchasing/buying a new home. Please call EcoTech Pest Control for afree inspection at 631-868-7023.
Rodent Removal Syosset NY 11791
Did you know that Mice and Rats carry and transmit dozens of diseases tohumans? Mice are the primary carriers of the ticks that have the LymeDisease bacterium. Mouse saliva, urine and feces can also cause severalhealth problems in humans. The House Mice can also cause fires bychewing on electrical wires. The House Mouse is most commonly found onLong Island, in Syosset NY, along with other rodents like the NorwayRat, Deer Mouse and White-footed Mouse. Rodents, like Mice and Rats nestin wood piles, holes in the ground, your garage or shed or stored yardequipment. They love warm weather. A Mouse or Rat can squeeze throughholes as tiny as a quarter to enter your home looking for food andwater. If you suspect a Rodent problem in your home or office, pleasecontact EcoTech Pest Control 631-868-7023 as soon as possible. We willsend a professional exterminator to inspect the area and target thepest. Our technician will choose the proper bait, place the baitstations effectively with enough time given to allow it to work andevict the rodent/rodents.Insects Exterminators Syosset NY 11791
Insects are the most common form of pests, and the most abundant. Ourwebsite provides you with information for over 15 common types of insectpests found in Suffolk County and Nassau County, Long Island, SyossetNY, from the tiny bed bugs to termites, types of cockroaches, and more.Please look over the photos we have included on EcoTech Pest Controlwebsite as well to help you differentiate what types of insect problemyou may have; or view the individual bug biographies to understand alittle more about each pest.Call your local exterminator (631) 887-3028or (516) 226-0988 today or fill out a form on Ecotech website for a freeinspection.
Flea Exterminator Syosset NY 11791
The most common flea found on Long Island, Syosset NY is the cat flea.It can be about 1/16″ in length and brown to red in color. It has nowings, but their hind legs allow them to jump a distance of 50 timestheir body size. Their flat body allows them to travel through fur, likeour cats and dogs, easily. They have strong claws making removing themfrom our pets very difficult. The flea goes through four stages in itslife cycle, the egg, larva, pupa and adult. Adults can lay up to 50 eggsin one day, which means infestation happens fast. Fleas come from theoutdoors and our pets unknowingly bring them indoors. Fleas like moist,temperate areas. Here on Long Island, in Syosset NY and in Nassau andSuffolk counties, the flea population usually continues through winter,so it is possible to bring home fleas any time of year. If you suspectyou have a flea problem in your home environment, we recommend callingEcoTech Pest Control, your professional exterminator to start treatment.EcoTech Pest Control can give you an effective, low cost flea controlservice for your home. Call us today 631-868-7023.
Cricket Exterminator Syosset NY 11791

Crickets can be most annoying with their chirping and sounds can bequite frustrating. Here on Long Island, in Syosset NY you may come alsoacross a Cave Cricket in your basement, which are unlike most crickets.They do not make chirping noises. To identify them, they look like largecreepy greyish brown spiders, reaching 4″ in length. They can be rightoutside your window, keeping you up all night. Worse yet, they can getinto your home from just about anywhere. They come out in the darknessand get into every crevice, making life miserable. Call your localprofessional exterminator, EcoTech Pest Control at (631) 887-3028 or(516) 226-0988 for fast relief and peace of mind. We provide a 100%Satisfaction Guarantee and Free Estimates.
Cockroach Exterminators Syosset NY 11791
Cockroaches can be found all over Long Island, in Syosset NY, even inthe nicest of houses. All cockroaches can carry bacteria and contaminatefood that can make your family sick. Cockroaches also carry eggs ofparasitic worms that can get into the human body and cause disease.These household pests can also trigger allergies and asthma in humans.Ifyou suspect Cockroach activity in your home contact your localexterminator, EcoTech Pest Control at 631-868-7023. EcoTech Pest Controlwill provide a free estimate and a safe, effective monitoring treatmentensuring your health and safety.
Flies, Maggots Extermination Syosset NY 11791
Flies sole purpose in life is to find rotting organic material and layeggs in it. After feeding for a few days, the larvae will crawl out ofthe muck and pupate to become adult flies. You need to have aprofessional come in and put an end to the life cycle of these pestsimmediately. A trained EcoTech Pest Control technician can quickly ridyour home of all adult flies, maggots and eggs while locating the sourceof the infestation and disposing of it, all without exposing yourself oryour family to any harmful chemiclas. Call Eco Tech Pest Control rightnow if your on Long Island, in Syosset NY (631) 887-3028 or (516)226-0988 to schedule a free inspection.
Spider Exterminator Syosset NY 11791
Did you know that there are 3,000 species of spiders in North America?Here on Long Island in Syosset NY you may spot a few common spiders likethe American House spider, Black Widow spider, Brown Recluse spider,Cellar spider or the Sac spider. EcoTech Pest Control recommends sometips to prevent spiders from invading your home: Vacuum all webs aroundyour home regularly. Keep basements and attics clear of clutter so itwont be so easy for spiders to find shelter and build their webs. Alwaysshake out any clothing that has been sitting for a long period of time.Also check your clothing or items when coming in from outdoors. Spiderscan also enter your home through cracks or holes so check and seal holesaround your house doors and windows regularly. If you suspect you havean infestation in your home, contact your licensed exterminator, EcoTechPest Control 631-868-7023 to locate and remove these spiders.